Chargeback With Reason Not as Described or Defective

The Customer must have to make a legitimate attempt to resolve the issues or return the Merchandise for Refund. If the attempts do not change any things in the favor of Cardholder, the Cardholder will move forward and dispute the Chargeback against the Merchant with Reason:  Not as Described or Defective Merchandise


In Reason: “Not as Described or Defective Merchandise Cardholder” claims that Good or Services which was provided by Merchant is not same as described at the time of purchase or the wrong merchandise was sent to the cardholder and the merchandise arrived damaged or defective.


Reason: Not as Described or Defective Merchandise link with an example:


Lisa purchase a Merchandise and after Shipping Lisa suffer from problem that Merchandise is damaged or defective (Some customer also suffer from various problem like quality is not appropriate or not same as described by Merchant, Merchandise or Services is counterfeit), so Lisa first attempt to return the Merchandise to the Merchant and get refund, if this attempt is not fruitful, the Lisa legitimately file a chargeback for reason: Not as Described or Defective Merchandise


Why Customer Dispute a Chargeback accompanied Reason: Not as Described or Defective Merchandise?

  • Wrong Merchandise was provided to the Customer.
  • Shipped Merchandise was damaged during shipping.
  • Merchandise or Services is counterfeit.
  • Merchandise or Services did not match what was described to the Customer.
  • Quality of Merchandise not same as what we display to the Customer.
  • Sale of particular Merchandise or Services was misrepresented by the merchant as interpreted by the cardholder.

Chargeback Prevention -Reason: Not as Described or Defective Merchandise

  • Describe Merchandise or services accurately which was provided to the Customer.
  • Provide evidence that Merchandise or Services are not counterfeit; Customer was agreed on the particular sale.
  • Provide evidence that goods or Services matched what was described to the Customer or displaying on Sales Receipt.
  • Always ensure that damaged or defective Merchandise should be replaced and reshipped on a Shipping Address
  • Issued Refund to the Customer if Merchant received the sold Merchandise in case: Defective or Damaged.
  • Always provide right information about the Merchandise and Services

 Rights and Limitation of Reason: Not as Described or Defective Merchandise

  • Chargeback cannot be filled until 15 days after the date Merchandise was returned or Services were canceled
  • Before disputing the Chargeback the Customer must first attempt to return the Defective or Damaged Merchandise to the Merchant and waiting for Refund.
  • Customer not disputed more than the Original Transaction Amount.